1/3 Command Centers (NY, London, Tokyo),…

1/3 Command Centers (NY, London, Tokyo), area gross product $1.13trillion in 2005, , 2nd largest city economy in world, 40% of world’s finances controlled here, 43 Fortune 500 cos, 10% pvt jobs with foreign cos,Most valuable Real Estate, Park Avenue $1,589 per sq.ft., Madison Av $1,476 per sq.ft, Manhattan 353.7million sqft office space, Midtown largest business district, 35% income by financial services, total rela estate value $802.4billion, Time Warner Center $1.1billion, 2nd largest film industry after Hollywood, Mfg share declining, Food processing major mfg industry, chocolate main export, 40% of NY in NYC, 8.2million in 2007, 9.2million in 2030. Manhattan density 25,846/sqkm, largest Jewish community, largest Indian American population 25% of US, White Americans 44%, Blacks Americans 25%, American Indians 0.4%, Asian Americans 12%, Income range- $188,697 to $9,320, Manhattan weekly wage avg – $1,453, highest and fastest growing weekly wages, Manhattan having baby boom, 32% <5 since 2000, Housing tough to find, lowest crime rate among 25 largest US cities, 60% Manhattans are college grads, 25% of manhattans have advanced degrees, 127 Nobel laureates have roots in NYC, NYPL largest library in country, 55% commute to work using subway/trains, 40min avg commute time highest in US,